Robert Haubry
With over 30 years of professional forestry experience and 16 months with the Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife, Rob Haubry is the driving force behind Haubry Forestry Consulting. Rob is a second generation forester. His father Frank had 32 years with the U. S. Forest Service before retiring in 1992. Growing up around the forestry profession, Rob saw the need for long term management and habitat practices to be established on the private woodlands throughout Indiana. In July of 1992 Haubry Forestry Consulting was established with a main goal of providing private landowners with quality timber and wildlife management.
Rob graduated from Purdue University with a dual major in Forest Management and Wildlife Management.
He was also a participant in the University Cooperative-Education Program with the Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife. With experience in both forestry and wildlife, Rob is able to incorporate both fields into one management practice.